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Consider joining us in the LL.M. Program in Agricultural and Food Law at the University of Arkansas School of Law. Our students attend either full- or part-time, on-campus or by distance. Many are experienced professionals. We provide an excellent value and an exceptional opportunity. Vist our website at or email us at

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Allegheny Mountain Institute seeks Executive Director

Allegheny Mountain Institute (AMI) is a 501(c)3 educational nonprofit organization founded in 2011 as Allegheny Mountain School.  It is located in Staunton, Virginia. AMI offers an intensive hands-on cooperative experiential learning and training program designed to teach members of our communities to grow and prepare their own food and to understand the nutritional benefits of eating seasonally.

Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director has overall management responsibility for Allegheny Mountain Institute’s staff, programs, finances, fundraising, execution of its mission and strategic planning.  The AMI Executive Director must hold the organization’s vision of a thriving network of collaborative, vibrant communities who value the connection between food and health.

 The AMI Executive Director position is a senior leadership and management position for a complex non-profit organization with multiple programs operating from multiple work sites.  The ideal candidate must have at least 5 years of experience in non-profit management, finance, personnel management, and fundraising.  Applicants resumes should display clear evidence of being a capable leader, organizer and motivator of groups of people.  A strong commitment to regenerative agriculture, healthy food systems, and conservation is expected. The preferred candidate will have a passion for farming, gardening, and / or healthy food preparation. Since education of the broader community is a key component of the AMI programs, a competitive applicant should also have an interest and capabilities in community development, networking, and communications.   The AMI Executive Director must be available to work occasional evenings and weekends and should be willing to travel to rural work sites as needed to provide leadership and supervision for Farm Managers and other employees at those sites.

 Please see the full position description and application at:

TO APPLY:  Please send a single compiled PDF file including a cover letter, resume, AMI Application form, and list of at least 3 professional references to:

 No phone calls or mailed applications, please.

Jessa Fowler
Fellowship Director
Allegheny Mountain Institute
Growing Food. Building Community.
Office (540) 886-0160
Cell (971) 232-0058

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Legislative Assistant to Congresswoman Chellie Pingree - Washington, D.C.

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree seeks a Legislative Assistant to handle agriculture, food, and nutrition policy, among other issues. Responsibilities will include staffing the Member on the House Agriculture Committee and the House Appropriations Committee’s Agriculture subcommittee. Congresswoman Pingree is a national leader on local food and sustainable agriculture issues and the ideal candidate should have in-depth knowledge and stakeholder connections in these areas. Experience on Capitol Hill either in a Member office/committee or as an outside advocate is desired. Strong written and oral communication skills, demonstrated ability to generate and advance legislative ideas, and an interest in working collaboratively as part of a team are also preferred. This office is an equal opportunity employer committed to building and maintaining an inclusive and diverse work environment. Interested candidates should email a resume and cover letter to